Your contribution to Ekar Farm ensures we can grow fresh and sustainable produce for communities in need and educates thousands of people–young and old, Jewish and non-Jewish–to cultivate a better food system. Every dollar helps us build capacity in educational institutions and provide experiential education fort participants.

Thank you for your generosity. Your gift goes directly towards supporting and enhancing our programs, events, and facilities.

To donate by check, please mail to:

Ekar Farm
Attention: Development
PO Box 460983
Denver, CO 80246

Ekar Farm is a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

Thank You to our Sponsors

Anschutz Family Foundation | Shalom Park | The Salah Family Foundation | The Humphries Foundation | JEWISHcolorado | Rose Community Foundation | The Strear Family Foundation | Virginia W. Hill Charitable Foundation | Staenberg Family Foundation