Ekar Farm connects people to community, and community to the earth. We grow sustainably produced fruits and vegetables so that all who are hungry can come and eat. We nourish body, heart, mind and spirit on an urban farm in Denver, Colorado that serves as a commons on which to repair the food system, and the environment. Rooted in the Jewish vision of creating a more environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually connected world, we believe these values and these tasks are EKAR, “the most important thing.”
Our Work
Local Food Access
From our farm to our neighbors we provide nutrient-dense produce to local food access organizations throughout the Denver metro area. We send approximately 20,000 pounds of fresh, organically grown produce to partner orgs every year. With support from Healthy Food for Denver Kids, Ekar also provides over 400 culturally relevant meal kits for Hope Communities, Academy 360, and Monarch Montessori in Montbello.
Cooperative Garden Initiative
Ekar supports community gardens in food-insecure neighborhoods by distributing seeds, seedlings, and compost all throughout Colorado, the Denver/Aurora metro, and Wyoming. In partnership with the Food Bank of the Rockies, we work over 50 organizations, facilitating the outreach and promotion of the program and connecting partners to garden support. Sign up to join.
Youth Education
Ekar shares it’s farming and food systems knowledge with numerous schools, housing units, temples, and organizations throughout the city. On or off the farm, Ekar engages with hundreds of young learners about ecology, nutrition, community, and growing food.
We’re a small team making a lot happen. You can ensure Ekar increases the amount of food we're growing for food pantry partners. Come out to the farm to connect with soil and support our mission in food access. Want to volunteer with us? Learn more here.
Experiential Farming Education Initiative
Visit the farm to learn about organic, regenerative farming. Programs of all ages and abilities are available all season long. Email ekar@ekarfarm.org for inquiries about your class, school, congregation, or business.
Inter-generational Farming Initiative
Our move to Shalom Park comes with great opportunity including developing an inter-generational garden space and programming. Stay tuned for more information as we develop this community asset.
Thank you to the Shalom Park and Sprout City Farms for making space for Ekar Farm on their campuses and the Rose Community Foundation for their continued support.